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Comprehension Tools

Here are some aids that will help you read text for your content classes.
Cornell Notes

This graphic organizer will help you during lectures, during reading for core classes or anywhere else you need to take notes. The sections help you organize your information and focus on the important points. You can make copies of this template or you can just apply the structure to lined note paper.

"Ws" and "H" Summary

This summary strategy works best on informational text to focus on the important points in order to answer questions, write and essay, study, etc.

Idea/Summary Web

This strategy works based on a web thinking pattern. A main idea goes in the middle and supporting information is added that directly relates to the main idea. You then use the highly visual web to build a summary based on the information you've added.

Cause and Effect Graphic

This organizer works well with Social Studies and Science classes to track the effects of certain events or experimentations. This could also branch off into a web if student's continue focusing on one particular cause.

Active Reading Guide

Use this guide along side literary text to engage your thinking while reading. These strategies have been covered in class so make sure you're using them to help you think and retain while you read.

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